Several months have passed since Erich Hirsch gave me my first introduction to the Monotype composition caster and keyboard. End of March I went to Hamburg again and dived deeper into the monotype. During two full days, Erich systematically explained the casting machine to me in great detail, and I had ample opportunity to practice stuff. We paid a little less attention to the keyboard, but I was even able to finish my intensive program with a simple table composing exercise. Erich introduced me to the museum visitors as his apprentice at the end of the two days, which was quite an honor. While writing my “report book” and summarizing my apprenticeship days, I realize that I am already quite familiar with the casting machine, but not yet with the keyboard and its intricacies.
The full account of what I learned and practiced is only contained in the German original and Swedish translation of this post, here I only show the pictures. This is mainly because I am not yet familiar with the English terms. I might add a full translation if I get hold of English literature.